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Stepping In

What's the maxim? Never begin a relationship with someone you work with! 


But sometimes you just have to Step In and see where things lead. Maybe things will lead to a sushi dinner at Sushi Wabi or burger and fries at some greasy spoon or a meaningful evening in each other's arms. You just have to Step In and find out. 

It's risky. Yeah and so is leaving your home. Shit happens; but good shit happens once in a while, and that's the shit you want. The key here is you have to want it. 

"What do you need?" he asked me, today at work. "Because I'm willing to give it to you. I don't know how much more I can show this to you."

I want a lot of things: I want better manners; smarter decisions; tastier grocery store fruit; 36 hour days; more competent co-workers; better investments; more time with my family (sans cousins); my sister to be okay; less cramping; more women to utilize the sanitary bags in the bathroom to dispose of their feminine products; less crappy television; better books; more journaling; more hot soup. 

However, the things I need are simple: I need to be free; to be human; to be in love, even if it's with something like good deeds. I need someone with bigger hands than mine to hold me, caress me, be a fucking cliché with me. I of a different kind. Not the kind that Jan gives me or Viv or even Diana's sparse love. The love I'm missing is the kind that makes me fall asleep feeling chock-full of bliss; the kind of love I plan my weekends around. 

I want a lot of things, but I only need a few things. 

I'm a little scared to start a relationship with someone who already knows whether I shave or not. I've already opened a very intimate part of myself to him, but he doesn't know the part that I give to the man I love. Sure, he can have all my sex, but my love, my real time, that takes more than making me squirt a hundred times in one night. Sometimes you do have to Step In, but sometimes you have to make sure you're not stepping into something unsavory. So I guess I'm checking my shoes. He'll have to wait.

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